Bonjour and Happy international Women’s Day

Hello All, Wow, what a way to kickstart my blog again ! Writing up a post feels like a distant memory, but I am glad I still have this platform to communicate with you all. For those of you who … Continue reading

LA diaries | Part Trois and My New Years Resolution ! XO

I used to be a big believer in “How you spend your New Years is how you will spend the rest of the year”. I used to link everything to it, every negative event, any sign of bad luck and all of a sudden it would be the fault of that superstition combined with about a dozen others.This year, however, I’ve decided to try and leave all the paranoia,anxiety, and superstition behind.

Sometimes we go through really crazy stages in life, where we are so obsessed with perfection and the paranoia of not having enough control, we funnily, forget what life is really about. We lose control without noticing we are   a c t u a l l y   l o s i n g    c o n t r o l. I think for me, the first time I realised this was when I was about 13/14. You start high school, your fellow snotty school mates mature and become monsters and bullies and all of a sudden you are the target, the aim of the game is to bring you down. Without saying too much I never really liked high school, I never understood what happened to the innocence in some, How one day it was there and come the first day of high school, it was gone – vanished, into the air. I was bullied so much that I didn’t like being encouraged, I didn’t like being complimented, I didn’t like getting attention in class for being smart, I didn’t like people knowing I was smart, I just didn’t know what I really wanted because they wanted to make everything positive, negative. That’s what they’d do, they’d prey. Then you have the people who absolutely adore you, who think you’re funny, amazing, a great friend – and by this stage you’re so confused – stuck between trying to make sense of the people who hate you and those who actually accept you – you start to doubt yourself and everything else in your life, you become paranoid, have major trust issues, and all these crazy symptoms surface. Before you know it, You’ve evolved into something you didn’t even know existed at that age. You’re the epitome of anxiety and paranoia. They made you, they control you and all the silly thoughts in your head. What will I wear? why did they say that ? What did they mean ? Are they looking at me ? Do I look okay ? My left eyebrow is out 2 millimetres to my right, do you think anyone notices  ?! Why do they keep looking at me? Who will be there ? What did they say ? What will I wear ? I can’t wear that, what will they think ? Are they talking about me ? Is my hair funny ? Am I walking too slow ? Are people watching me ? Can people see me ? Can they hear me ? Did I just ask too many questions ? Am I talking too fast? Who’s reading my blog !? What did they say ? – Seriously WHO HASN’T THOUGHT ANY OF THOSE…Sometimes when you can’t fall asleep and your mind doesn’t SHUT OFF and LEAVE YOU ALONE…because you keep repeating stupid scenarios in your head or you are thinking one of those things – Don’t lie ! Sometimes when you want to leave the house, or are going somewhere….You think some of those things ! That’s you, girlfriend – that’s you right there…! 


Its a process – A part of growing up and finding yourself. Being confident, understanding that sometimes things go wrong and other times they go so smoothly,perfectly, so perfectly that you think, “COOL was that a dream?” The universe isn’t out to get to, It all depends on how you look at it and whether you have let your mind think you are weak or strong. Strength in the mind is a dangerous thing to have because you can conquer it all. Over the years I’ve learnt to become more independent, I’ve crazily tried to push myself – I’m always pushing myself, I’m so determined, so passionate, sometimes too passionate – I’m motivated, I have drive – Now isn’t it a shame that sometimes I get dragged down by peoples thoughts and opinions. Is it fair to treat someone like that ? It isn’t ! So if you’re reading this and you’re thinking I was the bad guy – pay it forward. Do something good for someone else, in hope that they will remember you and pass on that good. Don’t just do it because you want it to come back to you – immediately you will see how it will change your life. Think about the things you say, and how they will affect the other person.

After being bullied – I tried to understand why ? Maybe it was the thrill or something ? So I tried it myself. I tried to bully someone – I couldn’t do it… I tried to say the same words they said to me to someone else – I was thinking maybe I could gain some sort of confidence – Cheap shot it was. What did I learn from that ? Well, nothing I didn’t already know. It’s hard growing up when everything is run by judgement. That’s something I’m trying to work on this year. To be less judgemental, to seek more clarity when times get rough, to try to maintain a positive mind and to keep it strong.

You’re probably thinking how the heck is this related to LA or New Years and all that – Well CALM DOWN “HOLD YOUR HORSES” I’m getting to that.

See, I spent New Years at the most happiest place in the world…. Can you think of where that would be ?


The atmosphere, the happy workers, the families and children, the shows, sparks of energy, loud groups of laughter and joy, fireworks, cute childish rides, fake snow – It was how I spent the last day of 2013.

I was thinking WOW I’m here in LA, halfway across the world with my partner and my friends for a special occasion – I’m here with family I haven’t seen in so long – That I will miss so much. How lucky am I to be able to experience this, How lucky that I didn’t let all the people who brought out the worse in me get the best of me. I thought From this point onwards – I want to be less like the paranoid, anxious girl I have been, always thinking of what others are thinking, always playing along with the games in my mind – I want to be more confident, positive, alive. I want to look back and see I enjoyed it – I don’t want to remember sad, negative moments. AND I actually want to try and stay true to that.

The moment we walked into the gates and I saw this – I knew I could do it.

That’s my NYR ( New year Resolution). What’s yours ?


Well… Scroll away and enjoy yourselves – Part 3 of 3 of the LA Diaries !















It’s tradition that I visit Esmeralda ! hahaha


and that was the magical world of Disneyland !


Love my cuz ! ❤


Universal Studios – Another one of my favourite places !








Mel’s 50’s Diner !


Another Fake Paris ! I’ll be with you someday soon ❤






















Our final wedding before we head back home !!



Well that was it guys !

If you get to the end of this post I just have a few things to say to you :

Thankyou for being in my life, stalking me, subscribing to me, actually sitting through and reading this.

Thankyou for making me stronger.

Always Remember that Positivity doesn’t have a door – It is just a frame, Think of it as a long hallway – It’s negativity that has a door – the door you have a key to. Lock it for good and try to keep it that way.

And finally, If you truly did get to the end of this and you felt inspired leave me a comment and tell me what you thought.


xoxo I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend !

Don’t forget to subscribe



Much love, Yours Truly



LA Diaries | Part deux

Hello Hello, my lovely subscribers and stalkers – I hope everyone has had a great week, an even better weekend and is getting ready to hit it all over again tomorrow ! I honestly don’t know where the time went … Continue reading

D.I.Y Paris Love <3


As promised, Here is my post on D.I.Y Wooden cut-outs RHY Style.

I’ve always wanted to have stylised wooden letters, not just the regular white ones you always see in shop windows, but the crafty D.I.Y styled ones that have a touch of emotion and nostalgia, something a little more personal. So while my room is in the making, I have been busy coming up with ideas and inspirations with things that I love.

Paris being one of them !

Now for this project all you need is:

1 – Some wooden “Kaiser Kraft” cut-outs that look like this. I have bought mine from Spotlight in Australia. You can get them from any crafts and hobby store that sells sewing equipment and scrapbooking supplies. The two packets that I bought had these particular ones in them.


2 – Big wooden letters and words for D.I.Y can also be found at these stores however you can get them from hardware stores as well. I have bought my wooden Word from “Bunning’s” and as you can see I’ve chosen the word LOVE ❤


3 – Some paint – any colour you like, and to be honest it can be any paint around the house. You don’t really need much of it depending on what size your word is. I’ve just used some gouache paint I had leftover from my colour theory classes in design school. You can use the same too. (If you find gouache paint a little to expensive, you don’t have to get an artist grade one, you can just get a cheap one from the dollar store. – it really doesn’t matter what kind of paint it is – we want something that dries quickly for effect)


4 – Scrap booking or craft paper of your choice. ( This depends on what you wish to cover your wooden cut-outs in. If you want to have them just painted then you need not worry about the paper, however it does at quite a nice clean-cut effect to really make things stand out)

Scrapbooking paper can be found in A lot of places, stationary stores, fabric and craft and hobby stores – a great one for bulk and reasonably priced variety is Alice in paper land. Be sure to Google them.


AND you will obviously need, a pencil, scissors, 2 paintbrushes ( one for glue and the other for paint) , some fabric glue,or craft or wood glue – anything that bonds really, some rolls of thin coloured satin ribbon ( your choice), paper towels, scrapbooking or craft paper.

Let’s Begin

1 – Layout some paper towels, two layers of it, in the length of your letter/word ( This is so we don’t ruin the lovely bench top you are working on ha-ha )


2 – Squeeze a small pee size amount of gouache, or whatever paint in whatever colour you are using for the wooden word onto either the paper towel, your brush or the word itself ( whichever way you work comfortably) and start by dabbing the paint onto wood. ( keep applying more paint as you are dabbing across the word, the quicker you work and dab the better it is when working with gouache. )


3 – The look we are going for isn’t a nice brush stroked finish, it’s a dabbed, vintage style application. So rough brush marks done via dabbing the paintbrush onto the wood will create this effect. ( However, if you want it clean cut then by all means go ahead and paint it the way you like ). If you look closely into the images you will see the effect I am talking about.

Note: if you are working with gouache, I found that it dried pretty quickly as I was dabbing it, this helps create that effect even better.It also means you have to move quickly along the word without applying wet gouache in semi-dry areas or else patching will occur. If patching does occur, simply wait for the whole word to dry and apply the second coat again by dabbing.


4 – Okay so we leave it aside now and wait for it to dry. It must be dried properly or else patching will occur. If it does – just read the above note.

5  – We also want to get into the sides of the letters on the wood to give it a roughed up paint look.


5 – As you can see in the image above, I haven’t applied paint again to my brush, just with the amount of paint on my brush I am rubbing the paintbrush so it has a painted but-not effect.

Prepping the cut-outs

Now we move onto prepping the cut-outs. So for the final product I painted my cut-outs but in case you have chosen the method of covering them with paper here is how to do it.

1 – First place your cut-out on the paper and see where you would like certain parts of it to fall. I have placed mine on a diagonal as I wish half words and half images to fall on the wood.


2 – We now trace around the it with our pencil and we cut it out.


3 – Glue the paper to the cut-out using our craft glue


I’ve just got fabric glue – it doesn’t REALLLYYY matter, just use anything that bonds around the house that isn’t going to seep through the paper.


4 – Brush the glue onto the cut-out and then carefully place the paper onto it.


5 – Turn the cut-out around. As you can see there are some parts that are slightly bigger than the cut-out. If you can, get your scissor or blade and just carefully cut it away.


6 – OR you can also use your scissors to smooth down the edges around the wooden cut-out.


7 – To add final touches to your mannequin we can cut some of our coloured satin ribbon and fold it into a bow.


8 – We then just glue it onto our cut-out piece wherever we like.

You can also use sequins or beads, even feathers to get the effect you like.


As I mentioned before it really makes the idea stand out – When I chose these wooden mannequins I also went searching for patterned paper or something that was very “fashiony” and stood for “raw design” and there I found scrapbooking paper with illustrations and pattern instructions – as we can see it looks very nice and the final touch of adding a bow completes this cut-out.

Painting our pieces.

1 – Place the cut-out down onto the paper towel, apply the paint and again just dab it on.


2 – As it comes to dry, lightly place another paper towel on top and press it.

This will get rid of any excess gouache and will also help it dry faster. ( less mess Smile)


3 – Peel it back


and now we add our extras.

4 – Again you may add other bits and pieces that you like, or you can even leave it plain.


I’ve just added a red bow, as it looked nice with the black/brown paint on the Eiffel cut-out.


I used this craft ribbon. It’s 3mm wide and is great for craft use ! I bought it from spotlight but I’m sure you can get it from any craft and hobby store, even cheap dollar stores. They come in a wide range of colours and even have other widths.


5 – after we have prepped our piece, we then glue the back of it and place it on the wooden word (wherever you like to put it – I would suggest before you start you figure out exactly where you like it before painting )


Ta-Da ! there is our Eiffel


I’ve also decided to add a lamppost – again we prep the piece with paint.


Dry it


Now this time I am going to add a bit of paper to it to create that signage effect. I quite like the colour of this coffee stained paper so I’m just going to cut a square out – roughly by the measurements of the space where the sign is on the lamppost.



Glue it down and stick it on



We are not going to dab around the cut edge with our black paintbrush to give it a blended vintage effect and to create some layering.


This is the kind of effect you get


Some final touches to our wooden word before applying the lamppost to it.


Gluing some of the red ribbon just on the bottom edge of the Wooden word for added effect and we press it down to hold.


As you can see I have cut the piece of ribbon a little bit longer than the final length so we can glue it and press it right back around




Now we glue on our lamppost



there we have it…

my Love ❤ for Paris.

Ready for when I move back into my room !


I’m currently waiting for it all to dry but you may choose to write something in metallic pen or ink pen on the lamppost signage.


Well I hope you all enjoyed it and got the instructions = ]

If you have any questions please contact me and drop in  a hello


xxxx Much Love, Yours Truly


Anthropologie arrives as an early birthday treat !

Founded in 1992 and launching their first mail order catalogue and website online in 1998, Lifestyle Brand Anthropologie now operates Stores worldwide.

When I visited Los Angeles in 2009 (A very memorable Californian Spring) the store touched my arty farty side. The clothes, the interiors, the books, the quirky and colourful home and design items – it all expressed a certain “artful” lifestyle which I fell in love with. The clothes are probably not my style, although they are great relaxed pieces, clothes you know that you’ll be comfortable in no matter what – the books and the atmosphere are great – it definitely has a unique style !

Whilst Laying on my bed, surfing the net – recovering from surgery – I decided to have a little browse at their awesome online catalogue. I’m a sucker for books !! ESPECIALLY anything on fashion design and Paris ! VOILA ! Just the perfect book(that I’d also been wanting for awhile) – Ines de la fressange’s “Parisian Chic”. Impatiently waiting for my new book to arrive, I decided to add a lovely Turquoise Leather Journal to my Basket !

Date: Monday 7th November

Status: Overwhelmed with college work.

What?: Parcel arrives ! – And guess where it is from – YEP ! Anthropologie it is !

Sent over quick and easy – and the book – my god the book ! Read it in a day and I LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT. Short and sweet with great pictures and a sense of “fun” and inspiration highlighted throughout the book.

I honestly recommend it to every female out there who loves anything to do with fashion and style, travel and most importantly "Parisian Chic”.
Inés de la Fressange – who according to the blurb is “French’s icon of chic” shares her personal tips on travelling within Paris, listing stores and attractions for every occasion as well as tips on style, beauty  and fashion – even something for the home. It really does have everything you need– hotels, restaurants, tiny tucked away boutiques, great places to buy things and unusual places.  She allows us to be apart of her “ secret Paris”.

The book is short and sweet with great pictures and a sense of “fun” carried throughout it.

Intrigued ? Why not order a copy from Anthropologie now ?





xxxx Much Love, Yours Truly,